Friday 30 November 2012



WHEREAS, in the May 2012 Rotary International Board meeting effective 1 July 2012, adopted the governor election pilot project for all Districts in India with the purpose of removing alleged mal-practices for District Governor-Nominee Selection Procedures in India.

WHEREAS, both the Manual of Procedure as well as the Board decision just say ‘’The District Nominating Committee shall be responsible to seek out and propose the best available candidate who is willing to serve as District Governor.’’
WHEREAS, District 3170 has been following a graded points system for the nomination Committee to assess the candidates for many years with some minor changes in the last few years. The basis of the points was probably relevant at the time of the original drafting, but over the years, Rotary has changed and the same need to be cancelled in totality and if needed a fresh system should be made, if permissible under the new 3 year pilot rules.
WHEREAS, A resolution was moved without any advance notice in the 2011 Conference allowing a rotation system for Goa, Maharashtra and Karnataka. The emotions of the house saw it get passed without proper discussion or assessment of the consequences.  
IT IS RESOLVED by Rotary International District 3170 that all the provisions of the District bylaws related to District Governor Nominee Election procedures be scrapped with immediate effect and the house constitute a broad-based committee to study and propose a new points system that will remove all items that have accrued due to discretions of Past District Governors.
The purpose of this resolution is to improve the functioning of Club Officers and District Officers who at many times work in accordance to the points and awards rather than following ‘Service above Self’


Prakash Saraswat
Rotarian First
President 2001-02 - 
RC Vasco da gama  - Goa, India
District 3170 Grants Sub Committee Chair (2011-13) 
District Chair - Global Networking 2012-13

President 2012-14 - 
Rotary Global History Fellowship
Founding (Club) Member - 
Rotarians for Sustainability - The Sustainability Trust 
Board Member - Global Run 4 Water

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