Friday 30 November 2012

District Resolution

Ref. No: RID3170/PDG/06/12                                                                             Date:11-11-12
Dear Past Dist. Governor,
Happy Diwali Greetings to you and members of your esteemed family.
Almost four months have passed by and I am enjoying my tour to various Clubs visiting various project sites, discussing and educating my Rotary members and at the same time helping and assisting them to increase their proficiency at Rotary work, promoting programmes of RI, Rotary Foundation and the District. Many a Clubs have unique projects and they are very touching in terms of service to mankind which I share with many a other Clubs who have relevance to their Communities they work.
While inviting you to the District Conference on 1st, 2nd and 3rd. February 2013 I request you to kindly send me the copy of resolutions passed during your District Conference so that they can be compiled for reference and usage. If I can receive them before 29th. November I will be more than happy as we have the District Meet on Dist. Conference resolutions held in Kolhapur at Club Residency hosted by Gargis Kolhapur Club on 2nd. December, 2012 at 10am.
I will be soon informing you the date for the COG Meeting to be held in Belgaum in the last week of December 2012.
With warm regards,
Your very own,

(Rtn. Dr. Jorson Fernandes)
Dist. Governor, RI Dist. 3170.

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