Thursday 2 August 2012

RDM Club Service ( Goa)

26th May 2010

The President / Secretary/ District officer
Club Executives/Members

Greetings from Rotary Club of Panaji,

 The Rotary year 2012-13 has just begun and you will be contemplating to complete your dream projects.   We wish you and your team a great success   I, wish to remind you that the First  Revenue District Meet  of this year i.e. “Club Service” is being held on Sunday,  12th August 2012  Clube Tennis De Gasper Dias, Miramar. Panaji, Goa.

There will be 2 important sessions on Club Service namely Club Leadership Plan & DGN Election Pilot Program and eminent speakers from Goa will be guiding us. The detail program will be mailed to you subsequently.  Please take time from your busy schedule and attend this important meet & also motivate all your board members & District Officers from your club  to attend this meet.

The Revenue District Meet will be held on Sunday 12th August 2012 commencing sharply at 10.00 am at Clube Tennis De Gasper Dias, Miramar, Panaji Goa. Delegate fee per head is restricted at just `. 300/- including lunch.

We would be obliged if you could  register with your entire board and some members if possible. RDM will surely help  to build Rotary knowledge  which in turn could be used for future implementation in  your club. Needless to say, your attendance in large numbers would surely make this Revenue District Meet a grand success.

Your early response would help us plan the event more efficiently and as such could we have your tentative confirmation by 10th August 2012. Registration along with payment may please be sent to Rtn Sanjay Chopra, The Computer Shop, Kamdhenu Bldg, Dr. D.V. Road, Nr. Hotel Manoshanti, Panaji Goa. Tel 9823037956

With warm regards
Yours in Rotary

Rtn Kishor N S Dhume
Event Chairman

Rtn Sayiprakash Raikar
Rtn Sanjay Chopra
Event Secretary
Rtn Viresh Nadkarni


Name of Club: ROTARY CLUB OF …………………………………………………………………………………………………….……
Name of President/Secretary/Coordinator …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Cell No. ………………………………………………….   email id …………………………………………………………………………….
Sr. no.
Name of Rotarian
Contact no.

Amount @
`. 300/- per person











DATE: Sunday 12th August 2012,
TIME : 10 am,
VENUE : Clube Tennis De Gasper Dias, Miramar. Panaji, Goa

Payment Details : Cash / Cheque / DD. No…………………………………dated ……………………………… 2012 for `. …………………  ( Rupees……………………………………………………………….only)drawn on ……………….……………..

Name & Signature.

Registration along with payment may please be sent to Rtn Sanjay Chopra, The Computer Shop, Kamdhenu Bldg, Dr. D.V. Road, Nr. Hotel Manoshanti, Panaji Goa. Tel 9823037956

Tentative Program

North & South Goa Clubs
Host Club :  ROTARY   CLUB   OF   PANAJI
Venue:  Clube Tennied De Gasper Dias Miramr  Panaji Goa, Date  Saturday 12th August 2012

Registration & High Tea                                                                                  10.00 - 10.30 am

Opening Plenary Session                                                                               10.30 – 11.00 am
  • Meeting called to order
  • Recitation of National Anthem/ Silent                         05 Minutes
  • Invocation & Four way Test
  • Welcome by President of Host Club                            05 Minutes
  • Hand over proceedings to Asst. Governor
  • Opening Remark  by Assistant Governor ( N & S)      10 Minutes
  • Introduction of Keynote Speaker                                 05 Minutes      
  • Announcements by Event Chairmen                           05 Minutes
Opening Remark by  Moderator   Rtn Gurudatta Bhakta         10 minutes               11.05- 11.15   
Session I
TOPIC                           Club Leadership Plan
Speaker I                        Rtn Subhash Sajane                (30 Mins)      11.15 – 11.45                         
Question & Answers                                                       (15 Mins)      11.45 – 12.00 
Rappoteur                      Rtn. Glenn                                                                                                                                                                                                         

C o m f o r t    B r e a k                                                             (10 Mins)      12.00- 12.10 

TOPIC:                           DGN Election Pilot Program                  
Speaker II                       Rtn  Dr. Vinaykumar Raikar                  (30 Mins)                        12.10 – 12.40
Question & Answers                                                       (20 Mins)      12.40 – 1.00 hrs
Rappoteur                       Rtn. Sadashiv Shirsat

Closing remarks by Moderator    Rtn Gurudatta Bhakta           (10 Mins)      01.00 – 1.10 hrs

Closing Remarks AG                                                                05 Minutes    01.10 – 01.15 hrs
& handing over proceedings to Club President
Pleasantries & Announcement                                                    (10 Mins)      01.15 – 1.25 hrs
Vote of thanks                            by Event / Club Secretary        (05 Mins)      01.25 – 1.30 hrs
Adjournment by Club President

Fellowship – Lunch      

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