Saturday 18 August 2012

Interact Club of Rotary Club of Margao Midtown at OLPS at Cortalim,

The Monthly Report (July) of Interact Club of Rotary Club of Margao Midtown at OLPS at Cortalim, 

Dear DG Rtn. Jorson Fernandes,

On 26th July 2012, our Interact Club Installation Ceremony took place at in our School. The New Board was installed under the leadership of Interactor Eldon Gomes and Secretary Interactor Juelcy Lucas. President Nominee Hum B. Thapa, Joint Secretary Celia Fernandes, Treasurer Kajal Amonkar,Sergent at Arms Mcveanpereira, Club Service Director Laxvi Chari, community service director Mesty D’Souza , Vocational  service director Alida Vaz are installed as a Board  members and our total strength  of the interact club is 40. nos.
Assistant Governor for South Goa, Rtn. Santosh George was the Installation Officer, Rotary Club President Rtn. Shibu welcomed the gathering followed by outgoing Interact Secretary  Lurida Parado had presented last years Club Report followed by the New Board has been installed by the Installation Officer Rtn. Santosh George followed by President Interactor Eldon delivered his acceptance speech and Principal Mrs. Sarojina Souza addressed the gathering. Followed by Installation Officer addressed the Club. Then Rotary Club Secretary Rtn. Brian delivered his facilitation speech later on Vote of Thanks had given by Secretary Interactor Juelcy Lucas The function adjourned by National Anthem after that refreshment had been served.

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