Tuesday 10 July 2012

Organizing New Clubs A Guide for District Governors and Special Representatives

Greetings from Rotary International South Asia Office!
Membership Growth is vital for Rotary International to continue its excellent humanitarian work and expand its service to communities at home and abroad. In recent years, charter members of new Rotary clubs have been a significant element of Rotary’s membership growth. As District Governor, you are responsible for approving and overseeing the process of starting a new club, including appointing a special representative to guide its organization.
In order to help you with this, we are sharing the following documents pertaining to organization of new clubs and believe these will help in smooth processing of new club applications. You may please share these with your Special Representatives or you can direct them to us and we will be happy to share the same with them:
1. Frequently Asked Questions:
2. Forms Checklist:
3. Organizing New Club Guide (808EN) : Please visit the following weblink for accessing the said publication:

Do let me know, if I can be of any further assistance to you in this respect.

With warm regards,

Joseph Thomas
Coordinator, Club and District Support Section,
Rotary International South Asia Office,
Thapar House, 124, Janpath, New Delhi-110 001
Tel No:             91-11-422 50126      
Fax No: 91-11-422 50191 & 422 50192
E-mail: <mailto:Joseph.Thomas@rotary.org>
Website: <http://www.rotary.org/>

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