Sunday 24 June 2012

What's a Club Assembly?

What's a Club Assembly?

Written by Sandeep Mall   
Friday, 22 June 2012 09:52

Club Assembly is a meeting of all club Officers, Directors, Committee Chairmen and all Club members held to discuss the programme and other activities of the club. In small and medium size clubs, all members may join the Club Assembly. The frequency with which club assemblies are held will be an important factor in the club's success.
A Club Assembly will enable the President to provide coordination and direction to community activity and to ascertain how approved plans are being executed. It will stimulate thought and activity that will generate out of informal discussions. It will also help the club to identify talent and creativity within is membership.
Rotary Clubs are encouraged to hold 4-6 club Assemblies in a year. These meetings allow the Club to:-
a) Plan strategically
b) Coordinate committee activities.
c) Share how Club plans are being implemented.
d) Brainstorm creative solution.
e) Provides ongoing education about  Rotary and its programs and review  the Clubs strengths and weaknesses.
1st Assembly: Immediately following the District Assembly to finalise the plans and programmes for the ensuing year in line with Rl and Distict priorities. This meet should ideally be the Club Officers 'Training Seminar (COST) to be held with the help of the Assistant Governor.
2nd Assembly: Immediately after 1st July to ensure commencement of action plan.
3rd Assembly: At least two weeks before the Governor's visit to prepare the summary of club plans and objectives and reports of Directors and committee Chairmen, (where Assistant Governor the Assistant Governor checks all Club records)
4th Assembly: At the time of governor's visit, there should be complete understanding between Governor and the president as to how this is to be conducted.
5th Assembly: Sometime in January/February preferably after the District conference to review the progress of club programmes and activities.
6th Assembly: Sometime in March/April to take stock of how various plans and objectives have been implemented and to give finishing touches for the year.

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