Tuesday 4 December 2012

DGN Committee of RI Dist. 3170 selection report.

Dear All,

This is to notify to you that the District Governor Nomination Committee for selecting the DGN for the year 2015-16 of RI Dist. 3170  met on 2nd. Dec. 2012  at Residency Club, Kolhapur and selected Rtn. Shriniwas Ramkrishna Malu (Member ID No: 1343281) from Rotary Club of Kolhapur City as the District Governor Nominee for the Year 2015-16 of RI Dist. 3170.

I hereby also announce and notify that the deadline for the receipt by the District Governor of resolutions passed at a regular meeting of the Club naming previously suggested Rotarians as challenging candidates is 5 pm of 18th. Dec. 2012.

For favour of publication on the website and the blog by Rtn. Kishore Dhume- DCC New Technology and nagraj Nashi- Dist. Web Master and on the GML by Rtn. Arun Salkar-Dist. secretary, Publications.

With warm regards,

Rtn. Dr. Jorson Fernandes.

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