Wednesday 30 May 2012

Subscription Dues for Rotary News Magazine

Dear Jorson


By now you all must be aware of the decision of the R.I. Board to implement the DGN selection Pilot for all districts in India effective 1st July 2012.

I am referring to the communication that you would have received from the Rotary News regarding the implications in the event the clubs in the district are in arrears in respect of their magazine dues. Such clubs will not be permitted to participate in the selection/election procedure for the DGN. In other words they will neither be eligible to propose a DGN candidate nor will they be eligible to send a member to the DGN nominating committee and nor will the club be entitled to vote in the event of an election. The same is applicable for R.I. per capita and District dues as well.
Please note that the club should have cleared all dues for the previous year as well as the year in which the selection for DGN is taking place. 

I am sure the clubs in the district would not like to be excluded from participating in the process to select their future leader. Please therefore communicate this message to all the clubs.

The Rotary News Trust will make available to each club in the district the current status of their dues if any. 
I seek your cooperation.

Kind regards.

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