Monday, 17 September 2012

Worksheet for Selection of District Governor-Nominee of RI Dist. 3170 for the year 2015-16

Worksheet for Selection of District Governor-Nominee of RI Dist. 3170 for the year 2015-16

Selection of Nominating Committee members                                                                                       Page 1 of 2

1. The district governor invites clubs to submit their suggestions for members of nominating committee for selecting District Governor-Nominee of R I Dist. 3170 for the year 2015-16
 15th. Sept. 2012
2. Deadline for the governor to receive club resolutions suggesting candidates for members of nominating committee for governor-nominee.
5pm of 31st. Oct. 2012
3. DG communicates the valid proposals to the clubs
concerned and informs about the date of Nominating
Committee Meeting.
15th. Nov. 2012
4. Orientation of the Nomination Committee candidates before the draw of lots.
2nd. Dec. 2012
5. DGNC members selected through a draw of lots.
2nd. Dec. 2012
6. The nominating committee meets and selects the District Governor-Nominee of R I Dist. 3170 for the year 2015-16.
2nd. Dec. 2012


DGN Selection Procedure

7. The district governor invites clubs to submit their suggestions for nominations for District Governor of RI Dist. 3170 for 2015-16.
At least two months
before the deadline.
15th. Sept. 2012
8. Deadline for the District Governor to receive club resolutions suggesting candidates for the office of District Governor of RI Dist. 3170 for 2015-16.
At least two months
after announcement
is sent by governor.
By 5 pm of 16th. Nov. 2012
9. The nominating committee selects its nominee for District Governor of RI Dist. 3170 for 2015-16.  The nominating committee chair notifies the
Governor of the candidate selected.
2nd. Dec. 2012
10. The Governor promptly notifies all candidates of the decision. The Governor publishes to clubs in the District, by letter, e-mail/ District Website or fax, the name and club of the selected nominee and announces the deadline for receipt by the Governor of challenges on behalf of previously suggested candidates.
Within 72 hours of
notification by
4th. Dec. 2012
11. Deadline for receipt by the Governor of resolutions
passed at a regular club meeting naming previously
suggested Rotarians as challenging candidates.
Not more than 14 days after clubs are
By 5pm of 18th. Dec. 2012
12. If clubs do not submit resolutions of challenge by the deadline or if challenges are withdrawn, then the governor will declare the unchallenged nominee to be the official Dist. Governor Nominee and notify all club presidents within 15 days.
By 2nd. Jan. 2013
13. Governor publishes notice to clubs of challenging candidates and asks if clubs wish to concur.
18th. Dec. 2012
14. Deadline for receipt by the governor of club resolutions adopted at a regular meeting concurring with a challenge or challenges.
Date determined by DG.
By 5pm of 2nd Jan. 2013
If there are not enough clubs concurring with a challenge, or if concurrences are withdrawn or invalid, then the governor will declare the unchallenged nominee to be the official nominee and notify all club presidents within 15 days.
15. If a valid challenge and the necessary concurrences are received prior to the deadline and when two or more candidates are suggested the governor notifies all clubs of their names and qualifications that these
candidates will be balloted upon at the district conference.
Within seven days of the deadline for
receipt of
By 5pm of 24th. Dec. 2012


16. The governor notifies each club the number of votes
to which it is entitled.
At least 15 days
prior to the
15th. Jan. 2013
17. Proxy voting requests to be reviewed by DG
At least 10 days
before the voting.
20th. Jan. 2013
18. Clubs vote at the district conference. In the presence of the candidates or their representatives, the three person balloting committee validates the ballots cast, then in a separate process counts the ballots. The balloting committee promptly reports the results of
the ballot to the governor, including the number of votes cast for each candidate.
2nd. Feb. 2013
19. The governor notifies the candidates and all clubs of the election results, declaring the candidate receiving a majority of votes as the governor-nominee.
Within 24 hours of balloting committee
By 3rd. Feb. 2013
20. The balloting committee makes all ballots available for inspection by a representative of any club. The ballots are destroyed after the 15 day review period (unless there is an election complaint).
For 15 days after the governor’s
notification of the candidates.
Up to 15th. Feb. 2013
21. The governor certifies the name of the District Governor Nominee of RI Dist. 3170 for the year 2015-16 (Form H) to the general secretary of R.I.
Within 10 days
after the governor
declares the results of the election.
13th. Feb. 2013


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