Friday, 21 September 2012

Peace activities for Rotary clubs and districts

Peace activities for Rotary clubs and districts   (click to see link)

The advancement of international understanding,  goodwill, and peace is one of the cornerstones of the Rotary movement. With Rotary’s active presence in more than 200 countries and geographical areas, our  organization has established itself as a world leader in fostering Peace Through Service. We have accomplished a great deal in this area throughout our history, but we must continue to look forward and recognize that the future of Rotary — and the future prospects for world peace — rest with today’s youth. To ensure a lasting legacy in this arena, we must engage young people in a meaningful way and empower them to carry Rotary’s peace-building efforts into the future.

In 2012-13, Rotary International will hold three Rotary Global Peace Forums. Each forum will consist of a  three-day program to engage and inspire Rotarians and community leaders. The forum in Berlin will emphasize the value of democracy and freedom. The forums in Honolulu and Hiroshima will focus on young people, including New Generations program participants (Rotaractors, Interactors, Youth xchange students, and RYLArians), Ambassadorial Scholars, Rotary Peace Fellows, alumni, and young Rotarian leaders. I am encouraging each district to send at least two participants from these demographic groups. Others  will have an opportunity to participate in the forums remotely through live, interactive telecasts. Find links  to more information at

Sakuji Tanaka
Rotary International, 2012-13

Peace activities for Rotary clubs and districts There are many activities that your club or district  can undertake locally to promote Peace Through Service in 2012-13. I encourage every club and district

Focuses on the importance of conserving and protecting our shared environmental resources and mitigating the effects of natural disasters as a prerequisite to peace. Special emphasis will be on New Generations and how to empower their visions of peace.

Peace activities for Rotary clubs and districts There are many activities that your club or district  can undertake locally to promote Peace Through Service in 2012-13. I encourage every club and district

District Peace Awards

District governors are encouraged to confer district peace awards on clubs that undertake a successful peace forum or peace-related project during 2012-13. RI will provide an award template that governors can use to recognize  clubs that have made positive contributions to peace during the year.

Hold a club or district peace forum.
          Organize a forum in your community and invite non-Rotarians to participate. Consider some of the following suggested themes and emphases:
          Hold your forum in the same week as one of the three Rotary Global Peace Forums and mirror its theme.
          Focus on urban peace by discussing opportunities for conflict mediation and resolution.
          Invite marginalized groups in your community, such as ethnic or religious minorities, to attend the forum and forge new friendships and partnerships.
          Collaborate with local organizations on a joint project to promote peace and conflict prevention in the community.
          Hold a forum that directly involves Rotaractors, Interactors, Youth Exchange students, and RYLA
          participants, and that challenges them to promotepeace in their everyday lives.
          Discuss and share strategies for helping young people deal with common sources of conflict, such as gang violence and bullying.
          Recognize immigrants who have made a difference in your community.

Organize a community peace forum.
Partner with your local municipalities and other community institutions to undertake a public event or celebration that symbolizes your club’s dedication to advancing world understanding and peace. Discuss issues related to urban peace and safe communities and schools.

Establish an international twin club partnership.

Promote world understanding and peace by forming a relationship with a Rotary club in another country. Twin
club partnerships have the potential to break down barriers between countries that are experiencing or have experienced political or civic tensions. If you have an established twin club partnership, consider undertaking a joint project to promote peaceful relations between your countries. Learn more at

Sponsor a Rotary Peace Fellow.
Up to 100 peace fellowships are offered annually on a world-competitive basis for study at the Rotary Peace Centers. Rotary Peace Fellows are tomorrow’s leaders who will promote national and international cooperation, peace, and the resolution of conflict throughout their lives, in their careers and through service activities.

Support a service project that addresses the root causes of conflict.
Disease, illiteracy, hunger, poverty, and scarce environmental resources are all underlying causes of conflict
and war. Develop a project that addresses one or more of these issues in your community, or collaborate with a club in another country on an international project. to consider adopting these recommended activities and
including peace in their service priorities for the year.

District governors are also encouraged to make peace one of the main topics of discussion at the district conference.

Consider planning a peace activity in conjunction with World Understanding and
Peace Day, 23 February, which is Rotary’s anniversary.

Would you like to be recognized  at the 2013 RI Convention in Lisbon?
Governors are asked to provide a brief description of their district’s best club peace activity throughout
the year. Selected activities will be highlighted on One outstanding club peace activity
will be chosen from all descriptions received by 15 April 2013 to be recognized on stage at the 2013
RI Convention in Lisbon, Portugal.

Berlin, Germany  Peace Without Borders

30 November-2 December 2012

Examines the role of democracy in building peace and promotes opportunities for all people to engage one another in international understanding and cooperation. This event will celebrate and highlight the role of   inter country committees in promoting understanding among nations.

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA The Green Path to Peace
25-27 January 2013

Hiroshima, Japan Peace Begins with You  17-18 May 2013
Explores ways in which each of us has the power to promote peace in our daily lives and in our own
communities. This future-focused meeting will ask participants to consider what impact they will make
in the days and years to come.

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