Thursday, 2 August 2012

Rotary Wockhardt Red Ribbon Programme

Dear All,

I am sending the details of the programme for you.

Nominees from the Clubs  for the Rotary Wockhardt Red Ribbon Programme will have to reach the venue: Emeral Bay at sadashivgad on 4th. Aug. at 3-30pm.
1. Inaugural function
2. Inputs and methodology of training on Adolescent Sexual Health
3. Discussions on the structured Programme for creativity and experiences of trainers.
4. Distribution of DVDs on the programme
5. Group discussions and preparations for the programme for the next morning
6. On 5th. Aug. at 9 am we will have the programme in the Karwar Club House for the students and the trainers will be assessed and given finer inputs.
7. Valedictory function.
Adeus by 1pm.

Nominees for the Speech Craft will need to be there at 9am on 5th. Aug. 2012 at Emerald bay at sadashivgad.
9-00am to 9-45 am Registrations
1. Inaugural function at 10-00 am
2. Defining Communication, Communication Skills, Requirements of Public Speaking- Session -1
3. Preparing a speech - Salutation, Body and conclusion of a speech, Judging Criteria for the Orator of Dist. 3170 Contest. Levels of the Contest
4. Trial assessment of orators from amongst the delegates, Possible topics in group dynamics
5. Valedictory function
adeus by 1pm.
The trainers for the Courses are Rtn. Subash sajane, Rtn. Dr. Vinay Kumar Raikar for the speech craft and for the Adolescent Sexual Health (Red Ribbon Programme ) will be yours truly.
The Red Ribbon Programme is sponsored by the Wockhardt Hospitals. Of the total amount of 1 lakh that will be given by the donor agency; the Dist. Officers Meet ahs decided to give Rs. 10,000/- to the three of the host Clubs. The first one is in Karwar, the second programme will be in Ichalkaranji and the third will be a Bijapur. Of the Rs. 10,000/- to be given to the RC of Karwar the nominees will be subsidised for their registrations. In other words if there are 25 participants for the Rotary Wockhardt Programme, all of them will have their registration fees of Rs.400/- paid for by the district from the donor agency. If there are more then accordingly the amount will be divided.
For the Orator of Dist. 3170 we are still having the donor agency going through programme proposal as it is a programme that entails 3 states. 
Thanks and regards,

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