Saturday, 30 June 2012

GSE Team Selection 2012-13

GSE Team Selection 2012-13

                   R. I. Dist. 3170


RTN. SAKUJI TANAKA                                   RTN. DR. JORSON FERNANDES

R. I. PRESIDENT                                                               DISTRICT GOVERNOR


                            RTN. DR. VINAYKUMAR PAI RAIKAR

                                   D.C.C. – G.S.E. OUTGOING 2012-13


1 July, 2012.

Dear Presidents,

GSE Team Selection 2012-13

At the outset, let me congratulate you for having accepted the responsibility of being the President of your club. I wish you and the team a great Rotary Year ahead.

This year our beloved DG Rtn. Dr. Jorson Fernandes has entrusted me the responsibility of being the DCC for GSE Outgoing. During this Rotary Year 2012-13, we are lucky to have an opportunity to send GSE team to RID5230 (California) USA. Our District has always been in the forefront to send best of the talents from our district to represent us as the true ambassadors of goodwill in our partner country. Let us together make this program a grand success.

The Group Study Exchange (GSE) program of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is a unique Cultural and Vocational exchange opportunity for young business and professional men and women between the ages of 25 and 40 in the initial years of their professional life.  The program provides travel grants for teams of participants to exchange visits between paired areas in different countries. For 4 to 6 weeks, the team members study the host country’s institutions and ways of life, observe their own vocations as practiced abroad, develop personal and professional relationships and exchange ideas. This program is the most popular and effective program in our Rotary District for last so many years. The basic purpose of this program is to foster international understanding through personal interactions. GSE also provides unique opportunity to represent our district, culture and country abroad.

Hence, I would request all the clubs to follow the guidelines as mentioned below:

Clubs have to sponsor the Candidates for the interview to select the team members and the team leader for the team representing our district to RID 5230.

Clubs may nominate candidates for team member and leader as follows-


The Club may sponsor ONE candidate for the team interview



The club may sponsor ONE candidate who may attend the interview.


The Criteria/Pre-requisites for sponsoring the candidate shall be:

FOR TEAM LEADER:   (There are no age pre-requisites.)

The Rotarian (he/she) should:

·       be an active member of your Club for 7 years.

·       be preferably a Past President and have worked in the district as District officer over a period of at least 4 years.

·       be well versed with Rotary.

have all the qualities to lead a team of professionally intelligent people and    represent our District in the most befitting way.

  possess a valid Passport (needs to bring the passport at the time of interview),

  be able to spare time for the program on the stipulated dates, as follows;

   Details: Preparations and orientation (min 5 times); District orientations as and when required; Dist Conference and any other requirement.

  be ready to spend sufficient amount towards incidental charges of the program.

 Details: Visa, Dress code, Gifts to host, travelling to diff places of orientation,   Insurance.



• be between the ages of 25 (complete) and 40 years (as on 01st July, 2012),

be fully employed or self employed with at least 2 years of work experience in their chosen field. Part time job holders or honorary job holders do not qualify for this selection,

reside in or be employed in our Rotary district and also be citizen of India, over a longer period.

be proficient in the language of the country being visited,

 should possess a valid Passport (needs to bring the passport at the time of interview),

should be able to spare time for the program on the stipulated dates.

  Details:   Preparations and orientation (min 5 times); Dist orientations as an when required; Dist Conference and any other requirement.

   A valid ‘No Objection’ Certificate from the employer (Govt or non Govt, private) shall be required to be produced by the candidate at the time of Interview,

• should be ready to spend sufficient amount towards incidental charges of the program.[Expenses for travel insurance, visa, gifts, dress code, etc.]. The expenses of Airfare shall be borne by The Rotary Foundation. They shall be staying at the Rotarian host families in USA.

,• Apart from the above, the selected candidate will have to deposit Rs 5000/- as Deposit with the Rotary District 3170, which shall be refunded to him/her after the candidate submits his/her Final Report to the Team Leader. In case the candidate fails to submit the report in the stipulated time or any other misconduct, this deposit amount shall not be refunded.

An application form is enclosed herewith, which may please be sent to the undersigned along with copies of proof of business/profession/service/NOC, proof of 2 years’ experience and passport latest by 15th September 2012. Salient features of GSE are enclosed herewith for your ready reference. You can also visit for more details.

The applications should be sent on the Club’s letter head specifying that your club sponsors the candidates concerned along with the Club’s resolution and photocopy of the payment of current SAR dues, The Rotary News dues and District Dues. It should accompany the written applications from the candidates with their resume.

Important dates are as under:

·         GSE Team Orientation Meet on 7th October 2012 at Ichalkaranji hosted by R. C.  of Ichalkaranji Central

·         GSE Team Selection on 13,14 October 2012  at Panaji hosted by R. C of Panaji Riviera

·         Duration of visit of GSE Team to RID 5230 - 20th April to 20th May, 2013.

It is my earnest request, on behalf of our beloved Dist. Governor Rtn. Dr Jorson Fernandes to you all to assist us in selecting the best teams under GSE to be sent to RID 5230. You are requested to select the best amongst you for the District Selection Interviews.

Yours in Rotary,

Rtn.Dr Vinaykumar Pai Raikar

DCC GSE-Out Going RID: 3170


Add: Indira Smruti, Raikar nursing Home,Tonca, P.O. Caranzalem, Goa.403002

Email: Tel: 0832-2462570, 2462764  (M) 9823033947

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