Wednesday, 23 May 2012

54th, RI Dist. 3170 Dist. Assembly 2012-13

DIST_ASSMBLY_BANNER_invite (1).jpg54th, RI Dist. 3170 Dist. Assembly 2012-13
Inaugural Session Agenda: 4-30 pm to 7-30pm. on 26th. May 2012
S. No.
Item in the Agenda
Action Marked to:
Collaring Host President
Srgt. At Arms of the Club

CTO, National Anthem & The 4-Way Test
Host President
3 Mins
Welcome Address
Host President
3 Mins
Event Chair
3 Mins
Introductions of Guests and Dignitaries ( DG / DGE / DGNs / DRFC / Dist. Trainer / Chief Guest) and presentation of Bouquets.
Host Club
5 Mins.
Lighting Traditional Lamp to mark the inaugural of DIST. ASSEMB
Chief Guest and Dignitaries

Handing over to DG.
Recognitions & Address by DG
Address by DGNs
Host President &DG

5 Mins.
5 Mins.+ 5Mins

Presentation of Dist.Srgt. At arms, Dist. Secretaries & PDGs. Adoption of RI Board Decisions.
RI Theme, District Goals and Priorities.
10 Mins
10 Mins
20 Mins
Supporting foundation programs
20 Mins
Role and Responsibilities and CLP
Dist. Trainer. Gurudatta
15 Mins
“Striving for Excellence”
Chief Guest, Rtn. Gulam
Special order of the day. (40 Mins)
Announcements (Rtn. Malu)
Dist. Events Chair
5 Mins.
Vote of thanks
Club Secretary
5 MIns.
Adjournment of Inaugural function of DIST. ASSEMB.

27th. May 2012  9-00 am
Dist. Assemb. 15
Reconvened by DGE & VDO of Doing Good in the world.
10 Mins.
Dist. Assemb. 16
Fellowship songs
Lara Pereira
10 Mins
Dist. Assemb. 17
Setting Goals
Subash Sajane
30 Mins
Dist. Assemb. 18
Dist. Secretary
5 Mins
Dist. Assemb. 19
Adjourn for concurrent sessions

Concurrent session 10am to 1-15pm
Presidents Group-1
Public Speaking
ADT Subhash Sajane
PDG Raju Doshi
ADT Subhash sajane

Case Study
Rtn. Dr. Roque D’Costa

Presidents Group -2
Public Speaking
Rtn. V. N. Deshpande
DG 14-15, Ganesh Bhat
Rtn. V. N. Deshpande

Case Study
Rtn. Ananad Arware

Presidents Group -3
Public Speaking
Rtn. Dr. Kamlakar Achrekar
PDG Ravi Deshpande
Rtn. Atul Naik

Case Study
Rtn. Nishant Kurade

Secretaries Group-1
Role and Responsibilities
Rtn. Mohan Biradar
PDG Mahendra Mutha
Developing Goals
Rtn. Arun Salkar

Case Study
Rtn. Sangram Patil

Secretaries Group-2
Role and Responsibilities
DIST_ASSMBLY_BANNER_invite (1).jpgRtn. Amardeep Patil
PDG Pratap Puranik
Developing Goals
Rtn. Bonifacio Charles

Case Study
Rtn. Nasir Borsadwala

Secretaries Group-3
Role and Responsibilities
Rtn. Sriniwas malu
DG-13-14, Mohan Mulherker
Developing Goals
Rtn. Hrushikesh Keskar

Case Study
Rtn. Shailesh Deshpande

Club Treasurers + Club Administration Comm /  Club Service Directors
Role and Responsibilities
Rtn. Gajanan Prabhu
PDG Sanatkumar Arwade

Developing Goals
Rtn. Sumer Ostawal

Case Study
Rtn. PD Gumaste

Membership Comm + Public Relations Comm
Role and Responsibilities
Rtn. Dr. Monica Kulloli
PDG Bhau Naik and
PDG Dilip Salgaocar
Developing Goals
Rtn. Ravi Kiran Kulkarni

Case Study
Rtn. Durgesh haritay

Service Projects Comm + Community Serv. Directors
Role and Responsibilities
Rtn. Dr. VinayKumar raikar
PDG Rajan Deshpande & PDG Vasudeo Deshingkar
Developing Goals
Rtn. Jitendra Tanna

Case Study
Rtn. Krishna Gunhalkar

International Service Directors + Rotary Foundation Comm.
Role and Responsibilities
DRFC , PDG Bazil D’Souza

Developing Goals
Rtn. Prakash Saraswat

Case Study
Rtn. Dr. Satish Irkal

New Generation Directors + Vocational Service Directors
Role and Responsibilities
Rtn. Dr. Nitish Kerkar
PDG Gurudatta Bhakta
Developing Goals
Rtn. Dr. Ashok Jadhav

Case Study
Rtn. Raju Naik

AGs + DCC Strategic Planning Comm., RDCs RYLA-Leadership Dev. – Career Awareness- Disaster Preparedness –DCC Effective Club promotion
Role and Responsibilities
Rtn. Dr. Digambar Naik

Developing Goals
DGE Rtn. Dr. Jorson

Stocking Flower making
Lara Pereira

Note for Trainers:
1.  Each session is of 45 minutes
2.  Trainers  must make 40-45 copies of case studies to be given to the Participants
3.  Trainers must make a thorough study of the case study.
4.  All trainers in a particular group will act like a team and please do use the protocol of    Beginning, Middle and the end of the lesson. Please do not forget the Link forward to next trainer’s lesson and link back to the previous lesson.
5.  Please use flip charts only. Make your notes and bring so that you can prepare charts the previous evening or bring them along with you. Write neatly without spelling mistakes and lower case should be 1” and upper case should be 2”
6.  Counselor is our biggest resource for any unanswered question. Take help of them.
DIST_ASSMBLY_BANNER_invite (1).jpg

27th. May 2012, Concluding Function: 1-15pm to 1-45pm
Dist. Assemb. 20
Reconvened by DG for  concluding formalities
Presentation and adoption of District Budget 2012-13
DGE/ Dist. Treasurer 2012-13

5 Mins
Dist. Assemb. 21
Pleasantries by DGE
Remarks by Delegates
Delegates (3 only)
4 Mins
8 Mins.
Dist. Assemb. 22
Concluding Remarks
Rtn. Ganesh Bhat
4 Mins
Dist. Assemb. 23
Concluding Remarks
Rtn. Mohan Mulherker
4 Mins
Dist. Assemb. 24
Concluding Remarks
DGE, Rtn.Dr.Jorson Fernandes
4 Mins
Dist. Assemb. 25
Concluding Remarks by DG
Rtn. Avinash Potdar
4 Mins
Dist. Assemb. 26
Handing over to Host President
DG & Host President

Dist. Assemb. 27
Pleasantries by Host President
Host President
4 Mins
Dist. Assemb. 28
Announcements by Event Chairman
Event Chairman
4 Mins
Dist. Assemb. 29
Vote of Thanks by Event Secretary
Event Secretary
4 Mins
Dist. Assemb. 30
Adjournment by
Host President

Note for Delegates:-
1. Please be in time for the sessions.
2. Dinner on 26th. May 2012 will be stopped by 11-30pm.
3. Music in the fellowship pandal will be stopped by 10-30pm by law.
4. Presidents/ Secretaries of Clubs starting with alphabet A to Haveri will be in Group -1
5. Presidents/ Secretaries of Clubs starting with alphabet “H” from Honnavar to Margao MT will be in Group -2
6. Presidents / Secretaries of Clubs starting with alphabet “M” Miraj to “Y” will be in Group -3
7. All the spouses will be taken up for a stocking material flower making short course by lara Pereira, special educator.
Note for Srgt. At Arms  and delegates:-
1. All delegates to be seated in the respective Halls 5 minutes before schedule.
2. All Dist. Srgt. At arms to be present at the start of the Inaugural as they will be presented to the audience and so also the Dist. Secretaries.
3. All Srgt. At arms to do their respective duties assigned to them.
4. Maintaining the decorum of the house, time schedules for starting and concluding each of the concurrent session will be seen by the Dist. Srgt at arms.

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