Dear Kishore,
My sincere thanks to all the AGs who attended the Judging of awards, my District Secretaries Gokuldas Naik, Bhicu Dessai, Arun Salkar, Kishore Dhume, Milroy Gois and DGN, Shreeniwas malu.
The following queries could be posted on the google group for interaction.
1. Definition of a small and big Club. The judging panel decided unanimously for 40 and below as small club and above 40 members as big Club. There were suggestions to link with the number of years the Club is existing if the Club doesn't grow and remain in the small Club for better chances of winning awards.
2. Small Upcoming Club: How many years must a small Club exist, the cut of line for stating it is an upcoming Club. We have decided for 5 years. Any suggestions?
3. Documentation in the form of pictures, letters of appreciation, press notes in the format to establish the facts mentioned in the award is important.
4. Benefits to the Rotarians:-The panel of Judges came to know the standard of their Clubs compared to other Clubs in the District and the methodology of working and planning of projects. It was a learning experience for all. many Projects could be interlinked all over the District and project ideas could be shared with other Clubs to make the District more vibrant.
5. All reports sent to the DG earlier were available for the panel of judges to double check.
6. AGs had a separate evaluation of their Clubs out of 15 marks as they have been closely working with the Club leadership which are added to the final tally.
7. DG also has his evaluation of Clubs out of 20 marks depending on his DG Visit, Charter Nite celebration evaluation of his representative(10 Marks), Annual Giving to TRF(10 marks) and TRF Projects(10 Marks). These marks are also added to the tally.
8. Any swing of marks by any of the member of the panel of judges by 10% are given the average of the remaining judges to be fair and just.
9. Is there a need for a Awards manual for our District?
10. Some of the awards nomenclature need to be changed to be precise and to suit the present time.
11. The Judging panel decided unanimously to give in each category : Small Club and Big Club the 3 awards:-Winner, 1st. Runner-Up and 2nd Runner-Up.
12. A common standardised form was used for reporting by Clubs and for evaluation by the Judges. The whole format in E-Form was projected via LCD Projector and evaluation was done at one go. Only hard copies sent by few Clubs were evaluated by a group of 4 to 6 AGs and District Secretaries.
13. If there is a tie in the marks, suggestions from past RI officers of the region will be considered to finalise the award.
14. A couple of awards could not be collected because of Muharram holiday and the post was closed but these awards will also be evaluated on receiving and a select committee is already designated to do the job.
The R. I District 3170
awards for the year 2012-13 are as follows:-
1. Outstanding Club President small Club
2. Outstanding Club President Big Club
3. Outstanding Club Secretary Small Club
4. Outstanding Club Secretary Big Club
5. Outstanding Club Service Project of the District
6. Outstanding Vocational Service Project of the District
7. Outstanding Community Service Project of the District
8. Outstanding International Service Project of the District
9. Outstanding New Generation Service Project of the District
10. Outstanding Matching Grant Project completed of the District
11. Outstanding small Club
12. Outstanding Big Club
13. Outstanding Small Upcoming Club.
14. Outstanding Club in membership Development
15. Outstanding Club in Attendance promotion.
16. Outstanding in Club Administration
17. Outstanding Club in Public Relation Project
18. Outstanding Club in Rural-Urban Relations Project.
19. Outstanding Club Bulletin- Weekly
20. Outstanding Club Bulletin – Monthly
21. Outstanding Club in Polio Plus Programme
22. Outstanding Polio Plus Revenue Dist. Chairman
23. Outstanding Asst. Governor
24. Outstanding TRF Programme Participation
25. Highest Rotary Foundation Contribution
26. Distinguished Service award of RI ( No need to apply)
27. Preserve Planet Earth Award ( Winner and Runner – Up)
28. Highest Immunisation Award for top five Clubs in the district. (Please do apply)
29. Late PDG George Lobo Award
30. Outstanding Club in 3-H activity.
Your suggestions are invited by the IPDG. Please do not make desirable suggestions but realistic without keeping any beneficiary tag on any Club. You are Officers of the District and therefore keep in mind to suggest points that will improve and enhance our judging performance in the District which must be fair and just to all.