Rtn.Tumbeti Subbarao President Elect 2013-14 and Rtn,Channabasavaraj
C.Kurgod Secretary Elect 2013-14 , both are members of RC Gadag
Betgiri whom we lost yesterday in a tragic accident on their way back
home .
DG Jorson and his fly condoles with all the Rotarians of Gadag Betgiri
and the fly members of Subbarao and Kurgod.
We pray to the all mighty lord to grant them eternal peace and we all
share in the grief and sorrow of their fly members.
C.Kurgod Secretary Elect 2013-14 , both are members of RC Gadag
Betgiri whom we lost yesterday in a tragic accident on their way back
home .
DG Jorson and his fly condoles with all the Rotarians of Gadag Betgiri
and the fly members of Subbarao and Kurgod.
We pray to the all mighty lord to grant them eternal peace and we all
share in the grief and sorrow of their fly members.