Friday, 30 November 2012

Fwd: DGN Election Pilot and eligible Clubs.

Dear All,
I am attaching the details of the Clubs that are eligible for the DGN Elections 2012-13.Look into the attachment of 3170 July which gives comprehensive details.
Kindly read the letter and the attachment gives the details of the Clubs that are not eligible and the details there of.

Rtn. Dr. Jorson Fernandes
DG 2012-13, R.I. Dist. 3170
E.N.T Surgeon
Villa Shanti Niketan
Mokim Cuncolim Salcete Goa. 403703 INDIA
Mob: +91 9822101334

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Resolutions at the 51st Rotary Conference R. I. Dist. 3170, 7th February 2010.

Resolutions Being Proposed at the 51st Rotary Conference R. I. Dist. 3170, Kala Academy Campal Panaji Goa on Sunday 7th February 2010.

Resolutions proposed by the Council of Governors (COG) and Rotary Clubs of R. I. Dist. 3170 for discussion and if approved for adoption at the forthcoming 51st Rotary District Conference to be held at Panjim from 5th to 7th February, 2010. 

Each club is required to discuss these resolutions in one of their meetings and come prepared to discuss and adopt them at the forthcoming 51st District Conference:

01)  It is resolved by the Rotarians of RI District 3170 assembled at the 51st Rotary District Conference to make it mandatory for filing and submission of “Form 15 H” (as required by R.I.) as a part of the documents by the candidates whose names are proposed for the consideration by the nomination committee for District Governor Nominee.

02)  It is resolved by the Rotarians of RI District 3170 assembled at the 51st Rotary District Conference to make amendments to the District Governor Nominee selection marking through a committee appointed by the incumbent District Governor.  The committee’s recommendations should be presented for consideration by the District in the 52nd District Conference.

03)  It is resolved by the Rotarians of RI District 3170 assembled at the 51st Rotary District Conference to form a committee for formulating District Bye-Laws and presenting them at the 52nd District Conference for adoption.

04)  It is resolved by the Rotarians of RI District 3170 assembled at the 51st Rotary District Conference to adopt and utilize New Technology for conveying all statutory and office notices of administration to club officers in RI District 3170.

05)  It is resolved by the Rotarians of RI District 3170 assembled at the 51st Rotary District Conference that in case of challenge to District Governor Nominee candidate, nominated by the nominating committee to nominate a DGN for a particular year, the election should by held by the secret ballot method at the District Conference following the DGN committee meeting and further resolves that there shall not be a postal ballot.  In case of unforeseen circumstances, an election is required to be held for electing a DGN after the District Conference is over in a particular year, the election will be conducted as per provisions of RI Bye-Laws Article 13.020.1 and in consultation with Rotary International.


A) It is resolved by the Rotarians of RI District 3170 assembled at the 51st Rotary District Conference that the income accrued during the Rotary year 2008-09 on US$ 25,531.91 being invested in the creation of the Late Radhabai Ramacrisna Salgaocar Endowment Fund which will be credited to the DDF Account of R.I. District 3170, be credited to the account of the Rotary Club of Mapuca.  Further it is resolved that the Rotary Club of Mapuca shall spend this money in consultation and in accordance to the wishes of the donors M/s. Geno Pharmaceuticals Ltd.  It is further resolved that Rotary Club of Mapuca shall always keep the serving District Governor of R.I. District 3170 informed of the manner in which the said income money has been spent.

B)  It is resolved by the Rotarians of RI District 3170 assembled at the 51st Rotary District Conference that the income accrued during the Rotary year 2008-09 on US $ 12,500 being invested in the creation of the B.T. Patil & Sons Endowment Fund which will be credited to the DDF Account of R.I. District 3170, be credited to the account of the Rotary Club of Belgaum.  Further it is resolved that the Rotary Club of Belgaum shall spend this money in consultation and in accordance to the wishes of the donors Rtn. Bapusaheb Patil.  It is further resolved that Rotary Club of Belgaum shall always keep the serving District Governor of R.I. District 3170 informed of the manner in which the said income money has been spent.

07) It is resolved by the Rotarians of R. I. Dist. 3170 assembled at the 51st Rotary District Conference to direct the historian of the District to provide  information as regards evaluation made by District Governor/s about his/her performance of assignment sought by a Rotarian through a Rotary Club to bring about transparency.

 R. I. Dist. 3170 DG 9/10


Dear DG Jorson,

Warm Greetings !

You are quite aware that off late there is so much hue and cry about PDG not submitting their funds received from R.I. Account and TRF account. I still remember after long discussion during PDG Bhakta’s conference  it was resolved that last five years PDGs should submit their accounts to DG immediately. I am surprised how  no one has sent uptill now. This unnecessary spoils image of PDGs  in our district.

You must have read lot about Dist: resolutions record not available with historian. After long search in the office I could find my year District resolution file. I am herewith sending a copy to you and historian PDG Sanatkumar just for the reference.

I think you should write to five PDGs before PDG  Guru’s year to submit their various accounts to finish off the matter once for all. You can also collect details from historian about year-wise resolutions not available with him and contact concerned PDGs and ask them  to send if  they are having copies of their year resolution. This way we can update all resolutions files.

I know it is going to be quite a job but  atleast  we can settle the issue  once for all.

Thanking you ,warm  regards,

Yours sincerely

PDG Raju M.Doshi. PDG Sanatkumar .


1.RESOLVED that the District shall send to all Rotary Clubs in R.I. District 3170,at the beginning and end  of each Rotary fiscal year, details of annul contributions to The Rotary Foundation. It shall also send to all the Rotary Clubs information about the annual availability of the District Designated Found,  and the allocations made therefrom to the various Matching Grant Projects during each Rotary fiscal year.
2.RESOLVED to suggest to Rotary International that after the Polio Plus programme is completed, it should, adopt  WOMEN  EDUCATION  as the main thurust area.
3.RESOLVED to request the President of Rotary International to give the R.I. Officers in every district R.I. assignments based on the principle of equity. In particular, it is requested that the R.I. President should appoint at least one R.I. Officer in every district as his Personal Representative to District Conferences at least once in every two years.
4.RESOLVED that R.I. District 3170 having adopted the District Leadership Plan and  the consequent reduction in the work load of the District Governor by appointing Assistant Governors, it is requested that the annual budgetary allocation to District 3170 be increased to cover the actual expenses incurred  by the said Assistant Governors for their travel, correspondence and communication.’ .

District Resolution

Ref. No: RID3170/PDG/06/12                                                                             Date:11-11-12
Dear Past Dist. Governor,
Happy Diwali Greetings to you and members of your esteemed family.
Almost four months have passed by and I am enjoying my tour to various Clubs visiting various project sites, discussing and educating my Rotary members and at the same time helping and assisting them to increase their proficiency at Rotary work, promoting programmes of RI, Rotary Foundation and the District. Many a Clubs have unique projects and they are very touching in terms of service to mankind which I share with many a other Clubs who have relevance to their Communities they work.
While inviting you to the District Conference on 1st, 2nd and 3rd. February 2013 I request you to kindly send me the copy of resolutions passed during your District Conference so that they can be compiled for reference and usage. If I can receive them before 29th. November I will be more than happy as we have the District Meet on Dist. Conference resolutions held in Kolhapur at Club Residency hosted by Gargis Kolhapur Club on 2nd. December, 2012 at 10am.
I will be soon informing you the date for the COG Meeting to be held in Belgaum in the last week of December 2012.
With warm regards,
Your very own,

(Rtn. Dr. Jorson Fernandes)
Dist. Governor, RI Dist. 3170.

records and details maintained by the Historian and the same be made available only to the Clubs -Rotary Club of Ankola

Club Resolutions
rotary ankola
Nov 19 (8 days ago)

The District Governor, District 3170.


Subject :- Proposed resolution to be moved and discussed during the District Conference.

As there is anormus growth in the Clubs and Membership in the District 3170, it will be in the interest of all the Rotarians to know about the credentials of their present, past and future leaders of the District. Hence there is need to know about the records maintained by the District Historian, whenever any Club needs the information for the better evaluation. In view of this, the Rotary Club of Ankola in its meeting held on 16-11-2012 and in the meeting of Board of Directors held on 17-11-2012, has passed the below mentioned resolution and further resolved to send the same to the District Governor for presenting the contents and moving the resolution in the District Assembly.

“Resolution :-

It is unanimously resolved to make available all the records and details maintained by the Historian and the same be made available only to the Clubs, as and when required.”

Explanation : The reason for moving this resolution is to maintain transperency and to get the accurate details of the records maintained by the Historian of District 3170 of each individuals or office bearers

President, Rotary Club, Ankola.