Saturday, 29 September 2012

The Rotary India National T.B.Control

Dear All, 

The trailing mail will have our Roving Ambassador sending information on TB. 
I forward your Mail address to him for doing the needful


Forwarded message ----------
From: kishor pawde <>
Date: Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 2:41 PM
Subject: Contact details of Presidents of your district

Dear District Governor

Greetings from RID 3132

Hope you are busy with your club visits and different District Events. This is the period all the clubs are in full of action. I am happy to share with you that The Rotary India National T.B.Control Committee has appointed me as Roving Ambassador for you District.

The Rotary India National T.B.Control Committee has planned to focus on T.B. decease. This is curable decease and can be controlled after proper care. It need to have awareness.

Rotary India is planning create awareness and  motivate clubs by way of
 printing a Broucher this year which shall have some messages from very very senior Rotarians, RI President, Directors from India, and contact information of District Governors, District Governor Elects and District TB Coordinators alongwith your contact addresses besides a little literature on TB.

This has to be posted immediately after printing is over, which is in process.

You are requested to send me soft copy of mailing addresses of District Directors Human Development, Assistant Governors, Club Presidents as early as possible.

With warm regards

Kishor Pawde
Past District Governor (2009-10), RID 3132
Roving Ambassador, The Rotary India National T.B.Control Committee.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Belgaum South Aug.

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The Rotary Foundation Seminar

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Please see attached letter received from Rtn Shailesh Deshpande, Event Chairman  of THE ROTARY FOUNDATION SEMINAR
Rotary Club of Kolhapur Central   is hosting the  District event THE ROTARY FOUNDATION SEMINAR on  Sunday, 21st  October 2012

PDG Rtn P T Prabhakar , R I Director Elect (2013-15) has consented to be the Chief Guest for the seminar

District Felicitation of from RID 3170 of PDG Rtn. P.T. Prabhakar for being elected  as Rotary International Director for year 2013-15

Kindly block your date for the most important event of the District THE ROTARY FOUNDATION SEMINAR.

With warm Regards,
Rtn Shailesh Deshpande     Rtn. Sandip Salokhe

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