Friday, 27 July 2012

District Fund

Dear All,
Kindly note that you need to send the District Fund by 

Demand Draft , payable at Canara Bank, Cuncolim Branch, Cuncolim, salcete, Goa favouring "R.I. District 3170 District Fund". The amount is Rs.225/- per member.

My earlier sent mail says cheque, please note that only Demand Draft will be accepted.

With warm regards,

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Minimum standards - Failure to function

Jatinder Singh (South Asia)
Dear District Governors:

Greetings from RI South Asia office!

Congratulations and best wishes for a successful year ahead.

Please find the RI guidelines on clubs failure to function. As you are aware every member club of RI is expected to comply with the provisions of the constitutional documents; failing which action can be initiated against the clubs. Placed below are the relevant extracts from Rotary Code of Policies regarding Club 'Failure to Function' for your kind reference:

2.010.1.  Failure to Function
In accordance with the RI Bylaws, the RI Board is responsible for ensuring that all member clubs of the association are functioning, and defines a functioning club as 
1.  Having paid its per capita dues to Rotary International
2.  Meeting regularly consistent with RI constitutional documents
3.  Ensuring that its members subscribe to a Rotary World Magazine Press magazine
4.  Implementing service projects that address needs in the local community and/or in communities in other countries
5.  Receiving the visit of the governor, assistant governor, or an officer of Rotary International
6.  Maintaining appropriate general liability and directors and officers/employment practices liability insurance as provided in section 71.080. of this Code
7.  Acting in a manner consistent with the RI constitution, bylaws, and the Rotary Code of Policies
8.  Paying its RI membership and district dues without outside assistance
9.  Providing accurate membership lists on a timely basis to the general secretary
10.  Resolving club disputes in an amicable manner
11.  Maintaining cooperative relations with the district
12. Cooperating with RI by not initiating or maintaining litigation against Rotary International, The Rotary Foundation, the associate foundations and the international offices of the RI Secretariat

Each governor shall identify which clubs in the district are failing to function according to the above criteria and report the same on the “Memo of Club Visits” form.  This form shall be submitted to the general secretary.  The general secretary will review the “Memo of Club Visits” and shall annually report to the Board at its fourth meeting which clubs are not meeting the minimum standards for all clubs in accordance with this section.  Rotary senior leaders are also encouraged to report any observations that suggest that a club has failed to function.  (November 2009 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 99)

District Governors can also recommend action against clubs that fail to meet the minimum standards as prescribed above. Such recommendation should be supported by documentary evidences to support the recommendation. Any special efforts taken by the district to assist and support such clubs should also be shared.

Upon receipt of any such notification it is shared with the designated club/s to provide its response in support of their functioning status. All the documentary evidences (including the district's recommendation and the club's response) are evaluated for further administrative processing.

With regards,

Jatinder Singh
Manager Club & District Support SectionRI South Asia Office
Email: Jatinder.Singh

Rotary International Dist. 3170                Minimum Standards for failure to function…Format -1
Name of the Club: __________________________________
Name of the President:_________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________Tel. No: ________________Mob: _______________
Minimum Standards for failure to function
Met with
Not met with
Remarks (Documentary proof)
01. Paid its per capita dues to Rotary International
First half dues for ____members………………….
Second half dues for ____members……………….

02. Meeting regularly consistent with RI constitutional documents

03. Ensuring that its members subscribe to a Rotary World Magazine Press magazine
Rotary News (No. of Rotarians subscribing)…….
Rotary Samachar (No. of Rotarians subscribing)..
The Rotarian (No. of Rotarians subscribing)…….
Total number……………………………………………



04. Implementing service projects that address needs in the local community and/or in communities in other countries

05. Receiving the visit of the governor, assistant governor, or an officer of Rotary International

06. Maintaining appropriate general liability and directors and officers/employment practices liability insurance as provided in section 71.080. of this Code

07. Acting in a manner consistent with the RI constitution, bylaws, and the Rotary Code of Policies

08. Paying its RI membership and district dues without outside assistance

09. Providing accurate membership lists on a timely basis to the general secreta

10. Resolving club disputes in an amicable manner

11. Maintaining cooperative relations with the district

12. Cooperating with RI by not initiating or maintaining litigation against Rotary International, The Rotary Foundation, the associate foundations and the international offices of the RI Secretariat

Note : Tick mark in the appropriate column against the standard. If any of the standard is not met with please substantiate with documentary proof and also provide evidence what action you have taken to assist the Club to meet the standard.                                                                                             Page 1 of 2
Continuation:                                                                                                                                            Page 2 of 2
As per to the strategic Planning Meet we had at Belgaum we had decided to take support, help from the GSR of the CLUB or / and  Mentor  or / and PDG from the region. If such a meeting was held then you must put the minutes down with signatures of the concerned Rotarians who have helped you and also the President / Secretary of the Club and mail it along with this form.
This is to certify that, I have visited the ______________________________________(Club) on _____________________(Date ) at  _______________(Time) at ___________________________
_______________Number of members were present out of total strength of ____________members.
     I further wish to state that the President , Rtn. ______________________________ has attended / has not attended the PETS/SETS held at Kolhapur Public School  in Kolhapur on 21st. and 22nd April 2012.
    I further wish to state that ______members of the BOD did attend / _______ members of the BOD did not attend the Dist. Assembly held on 26th, 27th. May 2012 at Margao, Goa.
    I confirm that I will hold a training programme on (date) _________________ from _____________ to _______________(Timing) at (Venue):_______________________________________________to meet the constitutional requirements with the help of ___________________________________________________(PDG) or / and
Mentor ___________________________________________________________ or / and
Trainer ________________________________________

Any further assistance that you need: ______________________________________________________

Signature of Asst. Governor:______________________
                                              Name of Asst. Governor :__________________________
Address of Asst. Governor: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tel. No: (                    ) __________________, Mob: ____________________________
E-Mail: _______________________________________

DG's Official Visit Memo

theme.jpgRI Dist. 3170             Name of DG: Rtn. Dr. Jorson Fernandes
Add: “Villa Shanti Niketan”, Mokim, Cuncolim, Salcete, Goa , India – 403703
Tel: 0832-2763347 / 2733334, Mob: 09822101334 E-Mail:
District Governor’s Official Club Visit Memo            Format -2     Page 1 of 12
Name of the Club: _________________________________Date of Visit: ________________________
 Name of Asst. Governor: _________________________________________                                                        
1) President and Secretary’s Meeting:-
Name & address, Tel Nos., E-Mail
President of the Club 2012-13





Tel. Nos:_________________________________________



Secretary of the Club 2012-13




Tel. Nos:_________________________________________



President of the Club 2013-14




Page 2 of 12
Tel. Nos:_________________________________________



Secretary of the Club 2013-14




Tel. Nos:_________________________________________



Treasurer of the Club 2012-13




Tel. Nos:_________________________________________



Asst. Governor


Special Invitee if any (GSR/Mentor)




Tel. Nos:_________________________________________



Club Service:-                                                                      Page 3 of 12
a)Communications from District and to the District:        Excellent /  Good/ satisfactory
                                  Any suggestions: _______________________________________________________
b)Club Charter Date _____________________________ Charter No: __________________

c)Charter Day / Nite celebration date: _________________

d)Name of Historian of the Club: ________________________________ E-Mail:___________________

e)Club Bulletin Name: ___________________________(Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly)
f)Club Assemblies Conducted for 2012-13 dates: ______________, ________________, _____________,
________________, ________________, ______________.
g)BOD Meetings conducted for 2012 -13 dates: __________________, ______________, ____________,
___________, ______________, _______________, ____________, ___________, ____________
h)Strategic Planning Meeting of Club held on :___________________, Minutes maintained:  Yes/No
    Strategic Plan of the Club reviewed on :_______________
Compliance Report if not done by ______________(Date)
DCC Strategic Plan of the region marked the action to assist the club with concerned AG
i)Club Action Book maintained Yes / No, updated by historian on : __________________
j)Member Access registered by the President: Yes / No
Compliance Report: if not done then DCC New Technology and AG to assist by ______________(Date)
k)Annual Gen. Body Election Meeting of the Club fixed on/ held on _________________(date)
l)Information to world HQrtrs through Member access to upload information of President and secretary for the world directory  done on __________________(Date)
m) Check list of documents to be made available for the DG’s Visit:
Checklist for President’s and Secretary’s Meet
Not available
Compliance Action marked to:
Club Charter

Manual of Procedure

RI Directory (Book / DVD)

Club Constitution and ByLaws adopted on _______

and secretary’s work book manual filled

a)Audited Acts of 2011-12/ previous years file maintained
b)Annual budget for 2012-13 / Annual budget file maintained

Classification roaster updated on _____________

List of PHFs, RFSMs
Updated position of balances
List of major donors

Name list of prospective PHFs, RFSMs and major donors

B.O.D. Minutes book

Club Assembly Minute Book

Weekly Meeting Minute Book

Attendance Register for weekly meetings

Special Mailing List of Club maintained

Visitors’ Book maintained for events

a)List and addresses of Club Members with Tel. Nos. and e-mail IDs
b) List of Dist. Officers from the Club

Strategic Planning File

Planning Guide for effective Clubs duly filled and signed by President, secretary and AG

Membership Goal form

TRF Goal form

Club Plans & Objectives for 2012-13

Club Committee Plans
CLP Committees
Avenues wise Sub Committees

Information on Permanent projects

Copies of SAR-1 sent on _________ for ______Mem
Copies of SAR-2 sent on _________for ______Mem
Fees to Rotary News sent on _______ for ____ mem
Fees towards Dist. Fund sent on ______for ___mem

Club Publication file maintained

TRF Annual giving file maintained

Matching grant file maintained

Club dues file maintained
SAR file maintained
Rotary news dues paid file maintained
Dist. Fund dues paid file maintained

a)Club action Book maintained
b)Club Membership Register / Roaster(could be part of Club action Book)
c)Awards received by the Club

a)Trust Deed
b)Names of Trustees:

Page 4 of 12

Administration:-                                                                                        Page 5 of 12
a) Membership details:
* Membership   less than25   / more than25 
New Member Information kit given / not given
Orientation of new members conducted on ____________(date)
Membership Goal of RI and District met with:
Compliance report action marked to: DCC MDR of the region.
Membership as on 1-7-12

Members added

Members resigned

Members terminated

Total number of members as on date

Honorary members

Membership dues sent to RI for

b)Financial obligations of new members :
_______ New members, RI dues paid by ______ members, Subscription to “The Rotarian by ____members,to Rotary News/Rotary Samachar by _____members, Dist. Fund paid by _____ members towards TRF paid by ______ members
c)Financial obligations of members:
No. of members
Amt. per Rotarian
Paid to
Balance to be paid
Back log of RI dues
Back log of RNT dues
Compliance report by:

RI 1st. half

2nd half

Rotary News trust

Dist. Fund

d)Attendance for weekly Meetings on an average is ________
compliance action marked to: ____________________________________
Meetings to be interesting to members:_____________________________________________
e) Partners –in-service
No. of Clubs
Membership strength
Address and Tel Nos. of President
Compliance report if any by:





Probus Clubs(Optional)

f)Dist. And Revenue Dist. Events organized/ Hosted:
Sr. No
Name of the event
Organised on (Date), event Chairman name:

Name of event Chairman:

Name of event Chairman:

Name of event Chairman:

Name of event Chairman:
g)Effective Club:-
S. No
Criteria for effective Club
complied with
Compliance report
Directors for 5 avenues of service appointed
Yes / No
New Generation service  Director appointed

Club Leadership Plan adopted on(date)
Memb. Dev. Comm. Chair:____________________
Club PR Chair:______________________________
Club Adm. Chair:____________________________
Service Projects Chair:________________________
TRF Chair: _________________________________

Sustained membership

Increase in membership by 3%
Complied for ______ members

Implemented service project to meet needs of Community
Name of the project:_______________________
Conducted on:________________________

Support  TRF

Leaders beyond Club level
Number: ________

Page 6 of 12
h)Training:-                                                                                                                                               page 7 of 12
Members / Youth
Beneficiaries reaction
RYLA conducted

RYLA attended

R.L.I attended

TOTS attended

Club L-Ship Prog attended

Dist. L-Ship Prog attended

Speech Craft attended

3R Rotary – Wochardt Prog

Triage Officer Prog. On Disaster mgmt.

Rotary Institute



Dist. Assembly



Memb. Dev. Seminar

Polio Plus Planning Workshop

TRF Seminar

 Vocational Service:-
a)Vocational Awards:- (Three Outstanding Persons)
1. Outstanding Women Entrepreneur: ______________________________________________
2. Outstanding Differently -abled Entrepreneur: ________________________________________
3. Outstanding Sports personality:_________________________________________
b) Career Awareness Programme conducted on ________ date for ____no. of beneficiaries
c)Supported the career awareness VDO by identifying Institutions from the region:-
Name  and Address of the Institution
Contact Person Tel Nos.
Faculty available

d) Earn while you learn programme introduced in _______ (Number)organizations having ______ vacancies, for ________ beneficiaries.
e) Four Way Test promoted to _________________ no. of beneficiaries.
Four Way Test
Institution / Community
No. of beneficiaries

Book Time tables

Book Labels

Book Covers

Umbrellas with 4-Way test



Community Service:-
No. of Beneficiaries
TB Control Prog.

Maternal & Child Health

Adult Education

Computer Literacy

Vocational Training

Water and sanitation

Community Development

Project for Sp. Children

Blood Donation

Environmental Protection

Projects with RCC

Projects with Rotaract

Project with Interact

Project with Innerwheel

Project with Rota Kid

Project with Probus Club

Project on Disease Prev. & Control

Peace Conference conducted

Peace Conference attended

Page 8 of 12
Page 9 of 12
International Service
1. The Rotary Foundation:-
a)Polio Immunisation promotional activities
Promotional activity
Conducted on (date) quantum of people reached
NID 1st

NID 2nd

Polio Road Show

Media awareness
Print Media
Mass Media


Routine Immunisation booth maintained at __________________________________
Routine immunisations conducted on ___________
____________ reaching ____
Community on an average
Any other activity

b)Group Study Exchange
Incoming team hosted by ___________________________________ (Name of the member)
Outgoing team :Team member sponsored : _________________________________________
Team Leader sponsored : ___________________________________
c)TRF Contributions: TRF Goal for the year 2012-13: _____________________________________________
Amount in $ / INR
Compliance Report  by ______
Annual Giving

Permanent Fund

Major Gifts

Bequest society


Paul Harris Society

Matching Grants



Rotary Foundation Coupons

PHF / Multiple PHF

d)Matching Grants Ongoing Project:                                                                                       page 10 of 12
MG Project NO:

Action marked to for compliance
Action marked to for compliance at Dist. level

Project Cost


Contact Primary

Contact Secondary

Interim Report sent on

Likely closure of the project by (Date)

Any suggestions or help from District: ______________________________________________________
e) Matching Grant Completed: (Previous year / Present Year)
File closure / Final report sent on ______________________ due on _____________ date
Closure letter from TRF received on _____________________ due on _______________date.
f) Matching Grant (New Project)
Nature / Type: _____________________________________________________
Purpose/ Objectives: ___________________________________________________________________
Project Cost: _________________________Club Contribution: ___________________________
DDF from 3170: _______________ DDF from partrner Dist: No: ________ of ____________(amount)
Partner contribution: _____________, Any other: ___________________________
g)Dist. Simplified Grant:Obtained previously then give details: _________________________________________________________________________________
Compliance completed / due on ______________
Details of New Project: ______________________________________________________
2)Dist. Conference and Convention to Lisbon
Dist. Conference
RI Convention to Lisbon



Page 11 of 12
3)Int. Youth Exchange: Programme conducted for _______ members
4) Int. Fly. Exchange Programme conducted for _____ members  to ___________RI Dist.
5) Disaster Mgmt. support to _______ Club / ______ Dist. By _____ Volunteers / _______amount. Sent on ________.
New Generation Service
Name of the Project
No. of beneficiaries
Compliance action marked to

Youth Dev. Project

Talent Search


Skill Dev. Prog.

Presidential Citation Criteria:-
Complied with
Action marked to:-
*EREY by 31-3-2013

*Net increase by 1 member

*85% min. retention

2% increase in qualified women membership

2% increase in qualified professionals (<45 yrs. Of age)

Induction of 1 or more TRF Alumni

Increased diversity

“*” marked are mandatory points, from the remaining 4 we must comply with 2.
 Rotary Public Image:
PR  Event
No. of people reached
No. of Institutions reached
New members sought in the Club
Compliance report
Orator of Dist. 3170

Rotary Wockhardt 3R Prog

 R.I. PR Grant prpoject (Rotary Week)

Any other project

Awards:-                                                                                                               Page 12 of 12
Deadline to RI
Name of Nominee

RI Presidential Citation
Rotary Club / DG
15th. Apr. 2013
DG 2012-13

Significant Achievement Award
Rotary Club
15th. March 2013

4-Avenues Citation award
Active Rotarian
15th. Feb. 2012
2012-13 Club Presidents

Rotary Award for world understanding and Peace
Non-Rotarian/ Non Rotary Organisation
1st. Nov. 2012
Any ActiveRotarian

Award for Rotary Foundation Alumnii
Rot. Foundation Alumnii

DG 2012-13

Awards won by the Club:-
Name of the Dist. award

Club Assembly

Signature with date

President 2012-13

Secretary 2012-13

Asst. Governor 2012-13

Rtn. Dr. Jorson Fernandes
Dist. Governor 2012-13