Monday, 21 April 2014

Awards Ceremony - 2012-13

Dear President,

This is to inform you that the awards ceremony of 2012-13 will be held at the Dist. Assembly 2014-15 on 10th. May in the evening at Belgaum. 

I invite all the Presidents and members of the Club to this great event to cheer up the recipients of the Awards and recognitions for the great job done in the year 2012-13.

Looking forward to meeting you.


Monday, 18 November 2013


Dear Kishore,
My sincere thanks to all the AGs who attended the Judging of awards, my District Secretaries Gokuldas Naik, Bhicu Dessai, Arun Salkar, Kishore Dhume, Milroy Gois and DGN, Shreeniwas malu.
The following queries could be posted on the google group for interaction.
1. Definition of a small and big Club. The judging panel decided unanimously for 40 and below as small club and above 40 members as big Club. There were suggestions to link with the number of years the Club is existing if the Club doesn't grow and remain in the small Club for better chances of winning awards.
2. Small Upcoming Club: How many years must a small Club exist, the cut of line for stating it is an upcoming Club. We have decided for 5 years. Any suggestions?
3. Documentation in the form of pictures, letters of appreciation, press notes in the format to establish the facts mentioned in the award is important.
4. Benefits to the Rotarians:-The panel of Judges came to know the standard of their Clubs compared to other Clubs in the District and the methodology of working and planning of projects. It was a learning experience for all. many Projects could be interlinked all over the District and project ideas could be shared with other Clubs to make the District more vibrant.
5. All reports sent to the DG earlier were available for the panel of judges to double check.
6. AGs had a separate evaluation of their Clubs out of 15 marks as they have been closely working with the Club leadership which are added to the final tally.
7. DG also has his evaluation of Clubs out of 20 marks depending on his DG Visit, Charter Nite celebration evaluation of his representative(10 Marks), Annual Giving to TRF(10 marks) and TRF Projects(10 Marks). These marks are also added to the tally.
8. Any swing of marks by any of the member of the panel of judges by 10% are given the average of the remaining judges to be fair and just.
9. Is there a need for a Awards manual for our District?
10. Some of the awards nomenclature need to be changed to be precise and to suit the present time.
11. The Judging panel decided unanimously to give in each category : Small Club and Big Club the 3 awards:-Winner, 1st. Runner-Up and 2nd Runner-Up.
12. A common standardised form was used for reporting by Clubs and for evaluation by the Judges. The whole format in E-Form was projected via LCD Projector and evaluation was done at one go. Only hard copies sent by few Clubs were evaluated by a group of 4 to 6 AGs and District Secretaries.
13. If there is a tie in the marks, suggestions from past RI officers of the region will be considered to finalise the award.
14. A couple of awards could not be collected because of Muharram holiday and the post was closed but these awards will also be evaluated on receiving and a select committee is already designated to do the job.
The R. I District 3170
awards for the year 2012-13 are as follows:-
1. Outstanding Club President small Club
2. Outstanding Club President Big Club
3. Outstanding Club Secretary Small Club
4. Outstanding Club Secretary Big Club
5. Outstanding Club Service Project of the District
6. Outstanding Vocational Service Project of the District
7. Outstanding Community Service Project of the District
8. Outstanding International Service Project of the District
9. Outstanding New Generation Service Project of the District
10. Outstanding Matching Grant Project completed of the District
11. Outstanding small Club
12. Outstanding Big Club
13. Outstanding Small Upcoming Club.
14. Outstanding Club in membership Development
15. Outstanding Club in Attendance promotion.
16. Outstanding in Club Administration
17. Outstanding Club in Public Relation Project
18. Outstanding Club in Rural-Urban Relations Project.
19. Outstanding Club Bulletin- Weekly
20. Outstanding Club Bulletin – Monthly
21. Outstanding Club in Polio Plus Programme
22. Outstanding Polio Plus Revenue Dist. Chairman
23. Outstanding Asst. Governor
24. Outstanding TRF Programme Participation
25. Highest Rotary Foundation Contribution
26. Distinguished Service award of RI ( No need to apply)
27. Preserve Planet Earth Award ( Winner and Runner – Up)
28. Highest Immunisation Award for top five Clubs in the district. (Please do apply)
29. Late PDG George Lobo Award
30. Outstanding Club in 3-H activity.
Your suggestions are invited by the IPDG. Please do not make desirable suggestions but realistic without keeping any beneficiary tag on any Club. You are Officers of the District and therefore keep in mind to suggest points that will improve and enhance our judging performance in the District which must be fair and just to all.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Condolence from DG

Rtn.Tumbeti Subbarao President Elect 2013-14 and Rtn,Channabasavaraj
C.Kurgod Secretary Elect 2013-14 , both are members of RC Gadag
Betgiri whom we lost yesterday in a tragic accident on their way back
home .

DG Jorson and his fly condoles with all the Rotarians of Gadag Betgiri
and the fly members of Subbarao and Kurgod.

We pray to the all mighty lord to grant them eternal peace and we all
share in the grief and sorrow of their fly members.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Applicability of service tax on Rotary International South Asia Office (‘RISAO’), with effect from 1 July 2012

Dear District Governors:
Greetings from Rotary International South Asia Office.
Please find the below message sent to all the current club Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers for your kind perusal. Kindly inform the clubs in your district that in future they need to pay the service tax @ 12.36% (current prevailing rate) on the membership dues and on other components as mentioned below while making their payments to Rotary International South Asia office.
Thank you and with best regards,
Prasanta Kumar Sahu
Manager Legal
HR & Admin Section
RI South Asia Office
Tel : (91-11) 4225-0116
Fax : (91-11) 4225-0191 and 4225-0192
This communication and any files or attachments transmitted with it may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. It is intended solely for the limited use of the individual or the entity to which it is addressed. You are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation
You are requested to visit following link for the latest RI Strategic Plan:
25 March 2013
Dear Sir / Madam,
Sub: Applicability of service tax on Rotary International South Asia Office (‘RISAO’), with effect from 1 July 2012
Under the Negative List base service tax effective 01 July 2012 regime, the activities of RISAO have been brought within the service tax ambit. Thus RISAO is liable to pay service tax currently @ 12.36% i.e.12% service tax plus 3% cess (2% Education cess and 1% Higher Education cess ) on the various considerations received and collected from the Rotary clubs, with effect from 1 July 2012. This view has been formed by RISAO based on opinion from consultants and discussions with the Central Board of Excise & Customs, Ministry of Finance.
Hence, we would like to mention that RISAO will be collecting service tax on the following types of revenues collected and considerations received from Rotary clubs:
· Semi-Annual membership dues ( per capita, pro-rata & COL) excluding ‘TR’ magazine;
· Reinstatement fee of terminated Rotary clubs;
· Recharter fee of terminated Rotary clubs;
· Charter fee from new Rotary clubs;
· Charter fee for new Rotaract clubs sponsored by the Rotary clubs;
· Election Complaint Bond;
· Registration fee for convention;
· Registration fee for booth-booking;
· Other services as may be applicable under service tax ambit from time to time.
Rotary clubs are therefore informed that service tax is payable by them effective 01 July 2012 and will accordingly be receiving supplementary invoices or recovery notes pertaining to the service tax payable on various applicable components mentioned above for the period July 2012 and Jan 2013.
In future, you are requested to add the service tax @ 12.36% (current prevailing rate) along with all of your payments as mentioned above to Rotary International South Asia Office. This tax will be included on future SAR invoices that Rotary sends to your club.
Thank you for your continuing service to Rotary, if you have questions about the service tax, please contact me for more information.
Prasanta Kumar Sahu

Rotaract - Update information online

Dear District Governors,
Greetings from RI South Asia office
As most of you know that Rotary clubs in districts in Zones 4, 5 & 6 hold the credit of sponsoring significant count of Club Sponsored Organizations (CSO) viz. Rotaract, Interact and RCC as compared to any other district in the Rotary world. Each CSO adds to the strength of their respective sponsoring Rotary club by initiating projects and building leaders for the future, hence, they are also known as ‘Partners in Service’.
Some of the Rotaract / Interact club members have even joined Rotary clubs and became active Rotarians in the recent past. The combined efforts of these CSO’s adds significant strength to Rotary International as a whole.
As per recent report generated through the membership records it has been found that most of the Rotaract clubs in this region have not updated information of their club leadership (President) for last several years and hence seems to be either non-functional or they are not aware of (semi-annually) reporting club leadership to Rotary International.
The reporting of club officers of a Rotaract club can be done online using Member Access Portal (MAP) available through RI website I am attaching ‘step by step instructions’ of registering and then updating the information online using MAP:
You are requested to share this information with all the Rotary clubs and Rotaract clubs in your respective districts so as the Rotaract club officers are routinely updated (twice every year).
Alternatively, following link can also be used by Rotaract and Interact clubs to update information about their current leadership:
For Rotaract Clubs:
For Interact Clubs:
In absence of related information, the Rotaract / Interact clubs will be considered as ‘Non-Functional’ and can be suspended / terminated by the concerned department at RI World Headquarters.
This communication is also being shared with district governors-elect for information and request to follow-up on the missing information and let the Rotary clubs once again know during Rotary year 2013-14 about this compliance.
We thank you for your continued support to Rotary International.
With regards
AJAY GOYALThis communication and any files or attachments transmitted with it may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. It is intended solely for the limited use of the individual or the entity to which it is addressed. You are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation.
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Step-by-Step Instructions on Member Access for Rotaract clubs

For Rotaract club presidents:

If you are already registered with Member Access, log in via the Rotary Website here:

For first time users:
In order to create an account with Member Access, you must provide your e-mail address to Rotary International by completing the Rotaract update form here:
This is also valid for new Rotaract clubs.
(Please wait at least 72 hours before attempting to log in again).

Once this step is completed, click on “Create Account” and follow the instructions provided.

Here you can add, view, edit and terminate Rotaractors.

The first time you login, you may find a number of Rotaractors and/or Rotaract Advisers listed who are no longer active. You should confer with your club’s membership records to determine their membership dates and terminate those individuals accordingly.

How to Add a Rotaractor
1.       Once logged‐in, click on Update Membership Data
2.       Click on Add new Rotaractors
3.       Enter all required fields (marked with a red asterisk) as well as all other fields for which you have Information
4.       Click Submit
5.       Repeat this process for each Rotaractor in your club

How to Edit a Rotaractor
1.       Click on Edit Contact Info next to the name of the Rotaractor you would like to edit
2.       Scroll through the options (address, phone, fax, email, website, and language) until you find the field you need to edit
3.       Update relevant fields, and click “Save Changes”

How to Terminate a Rotaractor
1.       Click on Edit/Terminate next to the name of the Rotaractor you would like to terminate
2.       Select the effective date for the field Terminate as of:
3.       Select a termination reason from the required Termination reason drop‐down menu
4.       Click the Terminate button

Important: The RI Board requires you to confirm every six months that the contact information of Rotaractors is up to date by clicking on Confirm Contact Information under Update Membership Data.

Here you can record your meeting details, view/edit mailing address, and add the incoming Rotaract club president.

How to edit Meeting Details
1.       Click on Edit under the Meeting Details Section
2.       Enter all required fields (marked with a red asterisk) as well as all other fields for which you have information
3.       Click Submit Changes

How to view/edit your club’s Permanent Mailing Address
1.       Click on View/Edit under the Club’s Permanent Mailing Address and Contact Information section
2.       Scroll through the options (address, phone, fax, email, and website) until you find the field you need to add or edit
3.       3. Update relevant fields, and click “Save Changes”

How to add Incoming Officers
1.       Click on Add Incoming Officer under the Incoming Officer section. You will be directed to a three‐step process
2.       (Step 1 of 3) Click on the Add button next to the name of the incoming officer
3.       (Step 2 of 3) Click on Add Incoming Officer
4.       (Step 3 of 3) Ensure the start date and end date for the next Rotary year are correct, and click Submit

Here you can contribute to The Rotary Foundation using a credit card.

For sponsoring Rotary club presidents:

Log into Member Access via the Rotary Website here:

In your capacity as a president of a Rotary club that sponsors a Rotaract club, you, your club secretary, and executive secretary will have access to Rotaract membership reports.

1.       Click on 
2.       Scroll to the end of the page
3.       Click on Download All Rotaractors or Download All Rotaract Club Officer Information

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Fwd: District Conference Program


Dear All,
Please make it to GOA, register yourself, collect your Registration Kit and be in the Auditorium at 02:30pm sharp on 1st of February 2013. Your coming in time will make your DG proud and the esteem of Rotary movement will be kept high.

His Excellency, The Governor of GOA will be the Chief Guest and protocol demands that the function starts and winds-up in time. If you are not in the Hall you will miss the Pageantry.

The Registration Counter will be open from 10:30am of 1st February 2013.

I am attaching the District Conference Brochure for your referral and perusal.

DRIVE SAFE, and I'm looking forward to meeting you in GOA.

with warm regards,
your very own.


Rtn. Dr. Jorson Fernandes
DG 2012-13, R.I. Dist. 3170
E.N.T Surgeon
Villa Shanti Niketan
Mokim Cuncolim Salcete Goa. 403703 INDIA
Mob: +91 9822101334

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*If you have received this email by mistake, please delete it, then advise the sender immediately by CLICK to REPLY

Rtn Kishor N S Dhume 
District Secretary ( New Technology)

Rotary Club of Panaji 
TEL:                        +91832 2426111 ext 12
TEL / FAX DIRECT  +91832 2232446
Cell                          +919890053388

Friday, 21 December 2012

DG election

Dear All,
This is to notify to you that the Dist. Governor Nominee of RI Dist. 3170 for the Year 2015-16 nominated by the Dist. Governor Nomination Committee Rtn. Sriniwas Malu is challenged by the Rotary Club of Sangli and a resolution to that effect is received by Regd.  Post on 15th. Dec. 2012 by the Dist. Governor. The consent to the Challenge is also received by Regd. Post from Rtn. Ravikiran Kulkarni, the Candidate of Rotary Club of Sangli on 17th. Dec. 2012 by the Dist. Governor.
In view of the above it is notified to all the Clubs that any of the eligible Clubs that wish to concur with the Challenge must submit a resolution adopted by the Club at the regular meeting of the Club for which notice of such a resolution has been given mentioning the relevant specific agenda as a special business of the meeting.

With warm regards,

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Application are invited for the post of (DIR)

Dear Presidents / Secretaries (2012-2013)
Greetings  .
Application are invited for   the post of  “ District Interact Representative (DIR)“  for the year 2013-14.  Applications with all details of the candidate should reach DG by 31.12.12 by 5pm.
Elections will be held on 6th january  2013 at the  Interact Conference at Hubli.
 Proposal should be submitted on club letter head.
Rtn. Dr. Jorson Fernandes.
DG 12-13
Candidates Details
Name of   the Candidate nominated for DIR : ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Member of    Interact  Club : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Name of the School : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Name of Sponsoring Rotary Club : ……………………………..………………………….…………………………………………………….
Correspondence Address : …………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………….
Tel. ( R)  with Std code  ………………………….…………………………… Mobile: ……………….………………………………………… Email Id :.   …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date of Birth  :……………………………………………………….
Date :…………………………..                                                                                                Signature of Candidate
Place : …………………………
Nomination for  sponsoring DIR ( 2013-14) was approved in monthly / extraordinary BOD meet held on …………………………………
Proposal should be submitted on club letter head.
Signature                              :____________________________________________
Name                                    :____________________________________________
Designation                        President / Secretary    

Reporting format for Orator of Dist. 3170 at Club level Contest.

Dear All, Kindly report in the attached format. You can send me a hard copy along with the original comments of the  parents and teacehrs or else scanned copy. I would prefer a scanned copy.

Reporting format for Orator of Dist. 3170 at Club level Contest.
Name of the Club : ________________________________
Contest held on : ____________________
Names of the Judges: ________________________________
_________________________________, _______________________
Venue: _________________________________________
Name of the Winner: _____________________________________
Name of the School of the Winner:__________________________________________________
Address of the Winner (Res) : ______________________________________________________
Tel. No: __________________, Mob: _____________________, E-Mail: __________________________
Name of the School
Name of the student
Marks Obtained

Name of the President: _______________________________, Signature of President: ______________
Photograph attached(Caption and characters described): Yes / No
Comments from Teachers and Parents if any collected:  Yes / No
Enclose some of the Originals along with the report.